Privacy Policy
JXK Games(hereinafter collectively referred to as "we") respect and protect the personal privacy rights of JXK game users. We will collect, use, store and share the personal information of JXK game users (hereinafter referred to as "you") in accordance with this privacy policy (hereinafter referred to as "this policy"). This policy covers our collection, storage, protection, use and sharing of your personal information. We recommend that you read this policy completely and make the choices you think are appropriate in accordance with the guidelines of this policy when necessary. Before using various JXK services, please be sure to carefully read and thoroughly understand this policy, especially the terms marked in bold. You should focus on reading and confirm that you fully understand and agree before starting to use it.

1. Scope of application

1. When you register or use JXK gaming services, you need to provide us with your account password, your own mobile phone number, and we will send SMS verification code or email to verify whether your identity is valid. If real-name authentication is required in accordance with relevant regulations, we also need you to provide your ID number and name. This information is sensitive information. Refusal to provide real-name identity information may cause you to be unable to log in to JXK Games.

2. In order to enable you to quickly find the products you need and experience the game functions normally, we will collect personal commonly used device information of your use of our products and/or services, including phone status, network status, hardware model, device MAC address, operating system type and version, and device identification code (IMSI/IMEI/android ID/IDFA/OPENUDID/GUID/IDFV/OAID/CAID) to provide you with the best way to display product information. We will collect the above personal information from you to continuously improve and optimize the above functions, enhance your game experience and protect your account security.

3. When you use the consumption function of JXK game products, we will collect your recharge records and consumption record information so that you can query your transaction records and protect your virtual goods to the greatest extent. The recharge records and consumption records are sensitive information. Collecting the above information is necessary to realize the consumption function of JXK game products, otherwise the transaction will not be completed. For the payment behavior you make in JXK game products, you can choose the payment services provided by the third-party payment institutions (App Store, Alipay, WeChat payment, QQ wallet, etc. hereinafter referred to as "payment institutions") that cooperate with JXK. The payment function itself does not collect your personal information, but we need to share your order number and transaction amount information with the corresponding payment institutions in order to confirm your payment instructions and complete the payment.

4. In order to ensure the safety of your game account and create a fair, healthy and safe game environment, we will collect your game identification information, hardware and operating system information, progress and game crash records, so as to detect piracy, scan plug-ins, prevent cheating and other acts that destroy the fair environment of the game or interfere with or destroy the normal operation of the game service.

5. When you use some of our geographic location-related services through mobile devices with positioning functions, we will collect your geographic location information through GPS or WiFi.

6. When you interact with other players through text, pictures, voice, video and other means in the game, we may collect and save the above information content you send for filtering inappropriate content such as pornography, violence, politics, abuse, malicious advertisements, etc., so as to purify the game environment and maintain a healthy online environment.

7. We may send you service-related notifications when necessary (for example, when a single service is suspended, changed, or the provision of a single service is terminated due to system maintenance). If you do not want to continue to receive messages pushed by us, You can ask us to stop sending relevant short messages according to the SMS unsubscribe guidelines, or set it in the mobile device, and no longer receive messages pushed by us, except in accordance with the law or the service agreement of a single service.

8. If you want to interact with other game players through voice, the game will access your microphone and provide you with voice chat function after you authorize and agree.

9. If you need to replace your game avatar picture during the game, after your authorization and consent, the game will access your camera (camera) and photo album (picture library) to provide you with the function of replacing pictures. Because storage is necessary to achieve this function, we will store it in an encrypted way, and you can delete photos at any time.

10. When you use JXK network services or visit JXK platform web pages, in order to ensure your normal use of our services, improve and optimize our service experience and ensure the security of your account, we will collect your device model, operating system, Unique device identifier, IP address, access to the network, network quality data, device accelerator (such as gravity sensing equipment), operation log, service log information, access date, etc. This kind of information is the basic information that must be collected to provide services.

11. When you contact us, we may save your communication content/call records or the contact information you left behind in order to contact you or help you solve the problem, or record the treatment plan and results of related problems. When you contact us through the customer service system, we need to access your camera (camera) and photo album (picture library) permissions so that you can upload pictures for corresponding game feedback.

12. In order for you to experience the JXK game service normally, we need to read the external storage function of your device and modify or delete the contents of the memory card to ensure the basic storage function of game data.

13. In order to ensure the stable operation of the game, realize specific functions and optimize services, the game may access software development kits (SDKs) and similar applications provided by third parties (hereinafter collectively referred to as "third party SDKs") to collect and/or use your device information, network permissions and other personal information. For details about the types of data collected by third parties we cooperate with and the purpose of use, please refer to the "Access to Third Party SDK Catalog and Instructions".

14. If you use Huawei, OPPO, VIVO, Xiaomi and other third-party mobile game application distribution platforms (hereinafter collectively referred to as "channel parties") to download, install and experience our services, the channel party may provide you with account registration, login, payment and other related services and functions in its own name. If you download, install and experience our services through the channel party, it will collect and/or use your personal information. For details, please refer to the Access Channel Party Directory and Instructions.

15. In accordance with relevant laws, regulations and national standards, we may collect and use your relevant personal information without asking for your authorization and consent in the following situations:

(1) directly related to national security, national defense security and other national interests; directly related to public security, public health, public knowledge and other major public interests;

(2) directly related to criminal investigation, prosecution, trial and judgment execution;

(3) It is difficult to obtain my consent for protecting your or other personal life, property, reputation and other major legitimate rights and interests;

(4) The personal information collected is disclosed to the public by yourself;

(5) Collecting personal information from legally disclosed information, such as legal news reports, government information disclosure and other channels;

(6) Necessary for signing and performing the contract according to your requirements;

(7) necessary to maintain the safe and stable operation of the products or services provided, such as finding and disposing of faults in the products or services;

(8) necessary for launching lawful news reporting;

(9) When it is necessary to carry out statistical or academic research in the public interest, and when it provides the results of academic research or description to the outside world, the personal information contained in the results is de-identified;

(10) Other circumstances stipulated by laws and regulations.

16. The above information provided by you or collected by us may contain your personal sensitive information, such as ID number, communication records and content, transaction information, etc. Please be careful and pay attention to personal sensitive information. You agree that we can handle your personal sensitive information according to the purposes and methods described in this policy.

You can also choose to turn off some or all of your permissions at any time in the settings function of the device, thereby denying us the collection of corresponding personal information. Please note that by turning on these permissions, you authorize us to collect and use these personal information to achieve the above functions. By turning off the permissions, you cancel these authorizations, and we will no longer collect and use your personal information, nor can we provide you with the above-mentioned functions corresponding to these authorizations. Your decision to turn off the permissions will not affect the previous processing of personal information based on your authorization. When we obtain permissions from you or collect your information, we will also inform you again of the content, scope and purpose of our obtaining permissions and collecting information, so that you can once again determine whether you agree to us obtaining permissions or collecting your personal information. Please understand that the functions and services we provide to you are constantly updated and developed. If a certain function or service does not collect your information in the foregoing description, we will use page prompts, website announcements, pop-up push, etc. The content, scope and purpose of information collection are separately explained to you to obtain your consent. Once you agree, such additional uses will be regarded as part of this policy, and such additional information will also apply to this policy.

2. Storage of information

In general, we will only store your personal information for the time necessary to achieve the purpose of the service or for 6 months as stipulated by laws and regulations. If the 6-month retention period is exceeded or we terminate the service/operation, we will promptly stop the activities of continuing to collect your personal information. At the same time, we will comply with the requirements of relevant laws and regulations to notify you in advance, and delete or anonymize your personal information after the 6-month retention period is exceeded or the service/operation is terminated, unless otherwise stipulated by laws, regulations or regulatory authorities.

Personal information collected during our operations in the People's Republic of China is stored in the People's Republic of China, except in the following circumstances:

(1) There are clear provisions in laws and regulations;

(2) Obtain your authorization and consent.

In view of the above situation, we will ensure that your personal information is adequately protected in accordance with this policy and national laws and regulations.

3. Use of information

1. We will use the collected information according to the following rules:

(1) We will provide you with various functions and services based on the information we collect, including basic game functions, player interaction functions, consumption functions, etc.

(2) We will provide you with personalized services according to your game level, preferences, habits, consumption and other characteristics. We may provide you with relevant permissions depending on the specific situation of the game product, so that you can reduce the relevance of the recommended content to you through relevant settings/exit such personalized push;

(3) We will analyze the operation of our products according to the frequency and situation, fault information, performance information, etc. of your use of Awaolong game products, so as to ensure the security of services, optimize our products and improve the quality of our services. We will not combine the information we store in the analysis software with the personally identifiable information you provide.

2. When we provide services, the above information will be used:

(1) Authentication, user service, security, fraud monitoring, archiving and backup purposes to ensure the security of the products and services we provide to you;

(2) Evaluate and improve the effectiveness of advertisements, other promotions or promotional activities in our products and/or services; and invite you to participate in surveys, promotions and promotional activities related to our products and/or services.

3. We will use the collected information within the scope of the purposes covered by this policy. If we use your personal information beyond the purpose claimed at the time of collection and is not directly or reasonably related, we will use your personal information. Before, inform you again and obtain your express consent.

4. Information security

1. We strive to provide protection for users' information security to prevent the disclosure, loss, improper use, unauthorized access and disclosure of information, etc. We use multi-faceted security protection measures to ensure that users' personal information protection is at a reasonable level of security, including technical protection means, management system control, security system guarantee and many other aspects. In addition, the relevant systems of our games have also passed the filing and evaluation of national security level protection (level 3).

The technical means we use include but are not limited to firewalls, encryption (such as SSL), de-identification or anonymization processing, access control measures, etc. In addition, we will continue to strengthen the security capabilities of the software installed on your device side. For example, we will complete part of the information encryption work locally on your device to consolidate secure transmission; we will understand the application information installed on your device and the process information running to prevent malicious programs such as viruses and Trojan horses.

We have established a special management system, process and organization to ensure the security of personal information. For example, we strictly limit the scope of personnel accessing information, require them to comply with confidentiality obligations and conduct audits, and personnel who violate the obligations will be punished in accordance with the provisions. We will also review this management system, process and organization to prevent unauthorized personnel from accessing, using or disclosing users' information without authorization.

We recommend that you pay full attention to the protection of personal information when using products and services. We will also provide a variety of security functions to help you protect your personal information.

2. In the event of a security incident such as personal information disclosure, we will initiate an emergency response plan to prevent the expansion of the impact of the security incident. After the security incident occurs, we will inform you of the basic situation of the security incident, the disposal measures and remedial measures we are about to take or have taken, and our response suggestions to you in the form of announcements, push notifications or emails. If it is difficult to realize one-by-one notification, we will issue warnings through announcements and other means.

3. Please understand that due to technical limitations and risk prevention limitations, even if we have tried our best to strengthen security measures, we cannot always ensure 100% security of information. You need to understand that the systems and communication networks you use to access JXK services may have problems due to situations beyond our control.

Please be sure to take good care of your account number, password and other identity elements. When you use JXK Services, we will identify you through your account number, password and other identity elements. Once you disclose the above information, you may suffer losses or other adverse consequences. If you find that your account number, password and/or other identity elements may be or have been disclosed, please contact us immediately so that we can take corresponding measures in time to avoid or reduce related losses.

5. How we use cookies and similar technologies


A cookie is a small piece of text sent to the browser by the website that the user visits. It usually contains an identifier, site name, and some numbers and characters. It helps the browser record information about the visit activity, such as session information, preferred language, and some other settings. In this way, the user can get a more relaxed and practical visit experience the next time he visits the same website We use cookies to save and determine the login status, such as recording user session information, login and operation status, default language configuration, etc. The use of cookies will enable you to have a better experience when using JXK services.

We will not use cookies for any purpose other than the purposes stated in this policy. You can manage or delete the functions of C ookie。Cookies according to your preferences. For more information on how to change your browser settings, please visit the official websites of the respective browsers, such as Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Safari and Opera.

In addition to cookies, we also use other similar technologies such as website beacons and pixel tags on our websites. For example, text messages and emails we send to you may contain click URLs that link to the content of our websites. If you click on the link, we track the click to help us understand your product or service preferences and improve user service. A website beacon is usually a transparent image embedded in a website or email. With the help of pixel tags in an email, we can know whether the email has been opened. You can refuse or manage cookies or other similar technologies through a browser or user selection mechanism. However, please note that if you disable cookies or other similar technologies, we may not be able to provide you with the best service experience, and some services may not be used properly.

6. Information sharing, transfer, public disclosure

1. Except for the circumstances stipulated in this policy and the "JXK Game User Service Agreement", we will not actively share, provide or transfer your personal information to a third party outside JXK. If there are other situations of sharing, providing or transferring your personal information, we will confirm that the third party has obtained your express consent to the above behavior, and clarify the purpose for which the third party obtains your personal information, conduct personal information security impact assessments, and take effective personal information protection measures. If you need us to share, provide or transfer your personal information to a third party outside JXK, we will confirm that the third party has obtained your express consent to the above behavior.

2. Except as otherwise provided in this policy and the "JXK Game User Service Agreement", we will not publicly disclose the collected personal information to the public. If public disclosure is necessary, we will inform you of the purpose of this public disclosure, the type of information disclosed and the sensitive information that may be involved, and obtain your express consent.

3. With the continuous development of our business, we may carry out mergers, acquisitions, asset transfers and other transactions. We will inform you of the relevant circumstances and continue to protect or require new controllers to continue to protect your personal information in accordance with laws and regulations and standards not lower than the requirements of this policy.

4. According to relevant laws, regulations and national standards, in the following circumstances, we may share, transfer, and publicly disclose personal information without prior authorization from you:

(1) directly related to national security and national defense security;

(2) directly related to public safety, public health and major public interests;

(3) directly related to criminal investigation, prosecution, trial and judgment execution;

(4) It is difficult to obtain the consent of the individual for protecting the life, property and other major legitimate rights and interests of the subject of personal information or other individuals;

(5) where the subject of personal information voluntarily discloses personal information to the public;

(6) Collecting personal information from legally disclosed information, such as legal news reports, government information disclosure and other channels.

7. Your rights

1. You can log in to your account at any time to view or modify your account settings and information. If you want to change or update your personal information retained in our system, you can log in to the JXK Game Account Center, operate under your account or contact us through the contact information listed in this policy for modification.

2. If you find that we collect and use your personal information in violation of the provisions of laws and administrative regulations or the agreement between the two parties, you can ask us to delete it. If you find that the personal information we collect and store is wrong, you can also ask us to correct it. You can contact us through the contact information listed in this policy.

3. You can also contact us through the contact information listed in this policy to request the withdrawal of your agreed authorization or log in to the JXK Game Account Center apply for cancellation of your account. After you voluntarily cancel your account, we will stop providing you with products or services, and your personal information will remain unsearchable, accessible or anonymized. Except as otherwise provided by laws, regulations, administrative rules, and government regulatory documents.

We would like to remind you that you should carefully choose to cancel your account, because canceling your account will affect your normal use of JXK services or will bring you a lot of inconvenience in the subsequent use of JXK services. Once your account is cancelled, it will not be recoverable. Please backup all information and data related to your account before you operate. Please note that before applying for cancellation, all rights and interests under your account (including but not limited to ingots, diamonds, gold coins, copper coins, cards, equipment, gems, etc.) need to be exhausted. If you have not exhausted and still insist on applying for cancellation of your account, all rights and interests under your account will be emptied.

8. Protection of minors

1. Our products are mainly for adults, but for minors who use our products and services, we are well aware of the importance of taking additional precautions to protect their privacy and safety. We encourage parents or guardians to guide minors under the age of 18 to use our services. If you are a minor under the age of 18, please submit your personal information and use our services with the express consent of your parents or guardians. If you, your parents or other guardians request us to correct or delete your personal information, we will take timely measures to correct or delete it, except as otherwise provided by laws and administrative regulations.

At the same time, we attach great importance to the protection of children's personal information. All minors under the age of 14 will be regarded as children. Children should not create their own personal accounts without the consent of their parents or guardians. If you are the legal guardian of a child, please pay attention to whether the child under your guardianship uses our services or provides their personal information after obtaining your authorized consent. If the child's guardian explicitly refuses us to provide services to the child in the above manner, we will promptly delete the relevant child's personal information we collect, store and use in accordance with the law, and stop providing services to the child.

In the process of your child's use of JXK gaming services, we will only collect personal information about your child that you agree with us to collect or that you and your child voluntarily provide. We will strictly abide by the provisions of laws and regulations and the agreement with users, and collect and use children's personal information in accordance with this policy and the scope of the JXK gaming user agreement. If we need to collect and use children's personal information beyond the above scope, we will obtain the consent of the guardian again.

We will take encryption and other technical measures to store children's personal information to ensure information security. We will store children's personal information for a period of time necessary to achieve the purpose of collection and use.

2. We will actively protect the legitimate rights and interests of minors by activating the anti-addiction system in accordance with the requirements of the national anti-addiction policy. We will check whether the real-name information of the relevant account is at least 18 years old through real-name identity and other information verification, and then decide whether to include this account into the anti-addiction system. In addition, we will collect your login time, game duration and other information, and guide minors to play reasonably by automatically intervening and limiting minors' game time from the system level, and enabling the forced offline function to help minors surf the Internet healthily.

3. For the personal information of minors collected with the consent of the guardian, we will only use or disclose it if permitted by law, with the express consent of the guardian, or necessary to protect the minor. If at any time the guardian needs to access, modify or delete personal information related to the ward, please contact us or log in to the JXK Game Account Center to modify it in the way listed in Chapter 10 "Contact Us".

4. JXK will delete the personal information of minors collected without the consent of the guardian as soon as possible after discovery.

9. Updates

We may revise this policy in due course. When the terms of this policy change, we will remind you of the changed policy in an appropriate way when the version is updated. Please read the changed privacy protection policy carefully. Your continued use of the services provided by JXK means that you agree to us collecting, processing or using your personal information in accordance with the updated privacy protection policy.

Effective date of this policy: September 1, 2021

Update date of this policy: September 18, 2021